Monday, September 14, 2009

Brooklyn Bridge

Sunday -

I awoke to the sweet sound of 7th avenue Taxis Honking their horns for all to hear. Honestly - Why do these animals think they are going to get anywhere faster by honking your horn? NYC is notorious for streets with NO HONK signs which bring a $350 fine if you don’t follow the rules. I have decided that when looking for my next apartment it will be on a no honk street...
Well I’m up so what do I do -
I decided to sit on my fire escape in the sun to get a little color and surf my gyms website to arrange what classes I want to take at the gym. You know - I spent 1 hour writing down the different dates of the week what gym has what and at what time like I’m actually going to go to any of these classes...I have never been to a class to date but it was really worth an hour of my Sunday....smiles.
Being that I was excited about the gym I decided to go. I worked out for a full hour on weights and the elliptical. I felt great and thought why not walk the Brooklyn Bridge. I went home jumped in the shower and off I went on a trip to Brooklyn Heights via the Brooklyn Bridge. It really is a beautiful thing to do. The Bridge is really amazing and full of people. You really don’t even realize your walking across the bridge until your done and look back because the cars are going underneath your feet. Every 100 or so meters there is a couple guys selling water for a $1 so you can stay hydrated. Once I finished the bridge I headed into Brooklyn Heights which really is a beautiful place. I've attached some pictures of my trip over the Brooklyn Bridge and views of the Financial District from the middle.

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